This Is Our Mission
At RRM, our values of lifelong learning and knowledge drive our team to design education facilities that inspire academic excellence and growth. Our team of planners, architects, and engineers know how to approach large-scale projects that help craft leaders of tomorrow while working directly with organizations and the greater community to achieve incredible learning environments.

De-mystifying DSA
RRM has extensive experience working with DSA. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of the state agency, the school district, the design team, and the certification process is a cornerstone to building safe and healthy learning environments for our children. At the start of each project, we walk our clients through an initial project scope review to identify which project components require DSA review and which are exempt. There are multiple considerations,...
Teachable Moments
What’s happening right now at RRM? At any moment, you’ll find Anna and the rest of RRM’s Education Group at the epicenters of learning within our communities. This means that we’re out at K12 job sites, researching the latest security and state/federal requirements, and helping engage the next generation of architects, engineers, and landscape architects via local contests and scholarships. Keep reading to find out even more:
De-mystifying DSA
RRM has extensive experience working with DSA. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of the state agency, the school district, the design team, and the certification process is a cornerstone to building safe and healthy learning environments for our children. At the start of each project, we walk our clients through…
A Culinary Delight!
No more eating cold food by middle schoolers at Solvang School! To solve the problem of food getting cold during transport from the lower campus kitchen to the upper campus, Solvang School District gained an exponential benefit by installing a new prep kitchen for the upper campus. The new facility…
New Campus – Pacific Beach High School
The new PBHS will be a much needed replacement campus for SLCUSD students who utilize this alternative high school to meet their educational goals. New classrooms with high-volume ceilings, plenty of natural daylighting and large openings to the outdoors will offer students opportunities to study STEM, vocational arts, and culinary…
Permanent Modular or Site-Built Classrooms?
By Anna Win, Leader of RRM’s Education Group This is a question that many of our school clients have pondered when discussing new classroom needs. The quick answer? It depends. There is no doubt that modular classrooms have evolved from the ubiquitous “portables” that still dot our public school landscape.…
Introducing Anna Win
Anna Win Principal\"Leading school projects is very rewarding.... being housed in a place that is cared for and well-maintained is so important to the health and well-being of our students and the teachers who spend a good part of their daily lives in school facilities.\"Anna Win Principal\"Leading school projects is…
Safe and Secure Schools
Safe and Secure Schools In attempting to provide secure learning environments through school design and physical hardening, schools must balance many different objectives. These include: Reducing risks Maintaining open access for students and staff Facilitating a learning environment Complying with required buildings codes and standards On December 18, 2018, the Final…
The School of the Future
The reality is that the majority of our “Schools of the Future”, already exist. The number of renovations, additions, and modernizations to existing school facilities will continue to outpace the amount of new school construction, due to the inherent value of existing school district facilities, rising construction costs, available funding,…