The Marsh Street Brownstones consists of seven, single-family residences each consisting of three levels of elegant living spaces, a two-car garage, second floor balcony and private elevator. Interior design elements include hand-textured finished walls, well...
Las Palmas Apartments on Avenida Serra RRM Design Group provided Civil Engineering, Surveying, and Landscape Architecture on this 19 unit affordable housing project in downtown San Clemente. This infill project required shoring to protect adjacent structures, and...
Arlington Village Apartments Arlington Village was conceived to fulfill the vision creating in the 1930’s of a rustic Andalusian village surrounding the cathedral-like Fox-Arlington Theater, hinted at in the existing romantic village scenes framing the theater...
This lively mixed-use project sits in the heart of Pismo Beach and captures the “village theme” for the residential and commercial components of the development. Pismo’s eclectic styles are a trademark of this Central Coast community and this project draws from its...
State and Hope is located in downtown Santa Barbara on a busy corner location. This mixed-use development is gracefully framed with single-story commercial. The residential and commercial elements surround a protected common courtyard. Call RRM Design Group Email RRM...