As part of the San Ysidro Community Plan work effort, RRM developed land use alternatives, drafted a robust and graphically intensive Urban Design Element, and crafted and facilitated a multi-layered bilingual public engagement strategy to solicit input from this highly spirited and culturally diverse community. Situated on the US/Mexico border in south San Diego County, San Ysidro is a port-of-entry and the busiest border crossing in the world. The community is serviced by the San Diego Trolley line with three stops that address the highest ridership rates in all of San Diego County. The Plan addresses a full range of issues including land use, mobility planning for all modes of travel, complete streets, urban design, economic revitalization and historic preservation. Later, the City expanded RRM’s contract to include the development of the San Ysidro Historic Village Specific Plan. The Village area is “the heart” of the community surrounding San Diego’s Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) Beyer Boulevard Trolley Station. The Specific Plan provides guidance on neighborhood village mixed-use concepts, connectivity and mobility improvements, and public space expansion within San Ysidro’s most historic neighborhood.

“It has been a pleasure to work with the RRM team during the entire process that resulted in the San Diego City Council approving San Ysidro’s Community Plan Update. RRM’s approach emphasizes working closely with the community from start to finish. Indeed, RRM produced a definitive San Ysidro Community Plan, but more, they play a continuing role as a catalyst in implementing the multiple policy changes and capital projects that will enable the vision to be realized.”
– Steve Otto, San Ysidro Property Owner