Dublin On-Call Contract Planning Services RRM Design Group has been providing design review and construction administration services to the City of Dublin’s Planning Department for the past several years. Design review run the gamut from entitlement plans to building...
Ventura County General Plan Contract Planning The County of Ventura, Resource Management Agency, Planning Division hired RRM Design Group to perform professional planning work in support of its General Plan Update. As part of this effort, RRM developed a branded...
Oxnard Contract Planning RRM Design Group was retained by the City of Oxnard for on-call professional planning services. A variety of assignments have included development review for the Fisherman’s Wharf proposal at the Channel Islands harbor and preparation of a...
Long Beach On-Call Planning Services The City of Long Beach Department of Development Services hired RRM Design Group to assist with specialized planning services, including design review, specific plans, special studies, peer reviews, zoning code updates and other...