West Newport Mesa Streetscape Master Plan RRM Design Group was hired by the City of Newport Beach to establish a beautification vision and implementation strategy for the public right-of-way within West Newport Mesa. the master plan included beautification strategies,...
Anaheim Center City Corridors Opportunites Analysis, Vision Plan, & Specific Plan RRM Design Group was retained by the City of Anaheim to conduct a SCaG grant-funded Vision Plan to analyze the Center City Corridors area. Grant goals focused on identifying...
Los Altos Downtown Vision Plan RRM was retained by the City of Los Altos to craft a 20-year Vision Plan for the 76-acre downtown area, bound by Edith Avenue, San Antonio Road, and the Foothill Expressway. Through the use of unique, targeted outreach boards and...
Carlsbad Village Barrio Master Plan The Village and Barrio are the heart of the City of Carlsbad, representing Carlsbad’s past, character, and culture. The Village and Barrio Master Plan underwent a multi-year update process with significant public involvement. After...
Camarillo Commons Strategic Plan The City of Camarillo retained RRM Design Group to prepare a strategic revitalization plan (encompassing an urban design concept, design guidelines, a circulation plan, and a streetscape plan) for properties within and surrounding the...