RRM Draws for a Cause provides a platform to connect non-profit organizations (NPOs) with volunteer designers at RRM to create free renderings for fundraising and visioning purposes.
How it works
Step 1
Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) will first apply through our website.
Step 2
RRM Draws for a Cause will review the application, and once accepted post the potential project to our volunteer board.
Step 3
The NPO and volunteer designer will then come together to discuss and eventually create the free visualization.
Step 2
Once a NPO has been accepted we will post their project to our database where volunteers at RRM will be able to review and select a project or idea to make a visualization. Draws for a Cause will approve and connect the volunteer with the NPO
Step 3
The NPO and volunteer designer will then come together to discuss and eventually create the visualization.
Draws For A Cause provides best practices to both Non-Profit Organizations and volunteers to assist in a satisfying experience, and performs post-rendering evaluations to continually improve the process. Throughout the process, the Draws for a Cause team provides support, basic procedures and instructions, and post-project assessment!

Example Projects

Malezi Rooftop Garden
These visual aids are being used to help fundraise for a new science classroom and rooftop garden at the Malezi Junior Secondary School in Nairobi, Kenya. This school and fundraising endeavor is being led by Mahtabe, a group dedicated to developing sustainable initiatives that alleviate poverty through education, infrastructure, and income generation activities in east Africa and India.

Malezi New Science Classroom
These visual aids are being used to help fundraise for a new science classroom and rooftop garden at the Malezi Junior Secondary School in Nairobi, Kenya. This school and fundraising endeavor is being led by Mahtabe, a group dedicated to developing sustainable initiatives that alleviate poverty through education, infrastructure, and income generation activities in east Africa and India.

Project Silverback – JR Redmond Silverback Foundation
The JR Redmond Silverback Foundation provides support for individuals who struggle with mental health issues, by providing educational guidance and identifying attainable solutions. They are looking forward to providing a safe space for those struggling with mental health issues and guiding them to have a better quality of life. The Silverback Foundation will turn a warehouse into a fully functioning gym with turf, rigs, free weights, exercise machines, and more. People with mental health issues will be able to receive strength and agility training with cognitive exercises that positively impact brain function. An RRM Draws for a Cause volunteer designer created these example visualizations of the potential renovation which were displayed at a fundraising event for the organization.

Chapel of Saint Francis – Boone, Colorado
This chapel, operated by a non-profit, is a small adobe church in remote part of Colorado that is being used as place of worship for the local community. The non-profit’s mission is to keep the church open and available to local and visiting worshipers along with preserving an example of Nuevo Espana and Native Pueblo architecture. These visualizations will be used to inspire and launch their upcoming fundraising effort for the chapel renovations. The renders depict welcoming flora, new fencing, fresh paint, and additional statues.
Madagascar Exhibit for the Charles Paddock Zoo
A series of illustrations to help aid the non-profit Friends of the Charles Paddock Zoo in Atascadero to fundraise for their new exhibit featuring animals of Madagascar.

School Fence - Kisii, Kenya
A visual aid render for a Pre-K through 8th grade school located near Kisii, Kenya to help fundraise for a fence. The fence would help protect the children by providing a barrier around the perimeter of the school. (Disclaimer: The money for the fence was graciously donated prior to the fundraising event)

Project Silverback – JR Redmond Silverback Foundation
The JR Redmond Silverback Foundation provides support for individuals who struggle with mental health issues, by providing educational guidance and identifying attainable solutions. They are looking forward to providing a safe space for those struggling with mental health issues and guiding them to have a better quality of life. The Silverback Foundation will turn a warehouse into a fully functioning gym with turf, rigs, free weights, exercise machines, and more. People with mental health issues will be able to receive strength and agility training with cognitive exercises that positively impact brain function. An RRM Draws for a Cause volunteer designer created these example visualizations of the potential renovation which were displayed at a fundraising event for the organization.

TOWYN Market
The non-profit organization Mahtobe has a conceptual idea of a contemporary grocery store of the future that does not charge for its products. This render is to be used for their future fundraising efforts and it depicts the market TOWYN, which stands for Take Only What You Need. The market hopes to operate on a trust currency with a “take only what you need” policy and be a non-profit backed venture.
RRM Draws for a Cause imagined the design of this building to be semi-transparent in nature with large bamboo louvered panels on pivots. The panels introduce a warm material and help to blur the exterior and interior. The roof is a contemporary hexagonal structure with glass to allow in natural daylight and a welcoming glow in the evenings. The roof continues to span past the market frontage to create a playful exterior covered arch way.
Fit Together Movement – Retreat Center & Venue
This non-profit hopes to build a retreat center for married couple on a property they own. Their mission is to help heal and sustain marriages through support and experiences for all couples without the expense. The retreat will be used as a wedding venue, celebratory events, and retreats.

Got Questions? Contact us!
Email us at drawsforacause@rrmdesign.com, with any questions you have about the application or your project!