Brentwood Zoning Code Update Miller Planning Associates and RRM Design Group are currently working with the City of Brentwood to comprehensively update the City’s Zoning Code, Title 17 of the Municipal Code. The Zoning Code Update was initiated to implement the City’s...
Goleta New Zoning Ordinance RRM Design Group is working with the City of Goleta to create its first Zoning Ordinance since becoming a City. The new Zoning Ordinance will implement General Plan policies and the Local Coastal Program, replacing the Santa Barbara County...
In partnership with Dyett & Bhatia, Urban and Regional Planners, Martha Miller is leading a comprehensive update of the City of Santa Barbara’s Zoning Ordinance. The Santa Barbara New Zoning Ordinance (NZO) effort was initiated to update Santa Barbara’s regulation...
RRM Design Group is preparing a comprehensive update of the City of Newark’s zoning regulations. The current version of the Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1965. While it has since been amended several times in response to community concerns and to reflect changes in...
RRM has been retained by the City of Pomona to produce a state-of-the-art, flexible, user-friendly Zoning and Subdivision Code and Zoning Map that will serve as an effective tool to achieve the community’s vision for the future expressed in the City’s General Plan. To...