The City of Big Bear Lake selected RRM Design Group to develop a Downtown Specific Plan for the core commercial and retail center of Big Bear known as The Village “L.” The plan includes transportation and multimodal elements as well as complete street design improvements to three of their major downtown streets, an urban park, a pedestrian trail leading from The Village “L” to Veteran’s Park at the lake edge, and other lake waterfront design improvements. The City then commissioned RRM to complete three major implementation plans identified in the Specific Plan: Village Drive Streetscape, Pine Knot Avenue Streetscape, and the Knickerbocker Trail. These three projects include pedestrian walkability improvements for visitors and residence, bike facilities to connect to local residential and tourist-oriented destination points, wayfinding signs, new street trees, and decorative sidewalk and intersection paving.

Merit Award
– American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), Southern California Chapter

“Turned an underutilized, forgettable street area into an inviting, warm and activated space.”
-ASLA Southern California Chapter Design Awards Juror