Buena Park Multi-Modal Mobility Action Plan

RRM Design Group was retained by the City of Buena Park to prepare the Multi-Modal Mobility Action Plan. Funded by a Caltrans Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant, the work effort aims to improve pedestrian circulation and access within the City’s Entertainment Corridor by creating conceptual plans that facilitate multi-modal mobility resulting in greater connectivity and reduced reliance on the automobile. The plan identifies improvements to strengthen the walkability, safety and aesthetics of Beach Boulevard which are complemented by branding and wayfinding components. The plan supports Caltrans and City goals for Beach Boulevard by continuing coordination of land use and transportation planning policies to promote a more efficient land use pattern; expanding transportation and mobility options; as well as creating enhanced streetscapes that better serve a wider range of uses, including pedestrians, transit riders, bicyclists and automobiles, toward the goal of complete streets.


Transportation Planning Merit Award
– American Planning Association (APA), California Chapter, Orange County Section

RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group
RRM Design Group