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This page is for example purposes only to showcase an alternative community engagement approach. Opposed to traditional event based and in-person public engagement methods, a website allows for more flexibility, responsiveness, and engagement from your audience. Whether that’s through uploading project renderings that can be reviewed at any time, embedding a survey or poll to attain public input, or uploading a pre-recorded video to educate your audience, a webpage allows for a wide range of opportunities to engage with one’s community.
Add an Informative Video
Launch your project or meeting with an introductory video. Do you want to communicate in a more direct and intimate way? Adding a pre-recorded video to your webpage is a great way to launch your project or meeting and a way to inform your audience about details they may not easily catch on the webpage. Additionally, you may link a livestream hear for individuals to watch at a specific time – if viewers come to the page after the livestream, they’ll be able to watch a recording back of the live stream.
Add a Poll or Survey
Do you want to assess your audience’s knowledge on a topic? Do you want to gather thair input? Adding a poll or survey is a great way to allow individuals’ voices to be heard and have a direct impact. In the survey settings, you can design the survey so that individuals are only able to take the poll or survey one time.
Project Overview: Site Legend
Entry zone
- existing entry design to be brought out to the street to enhance the entire entry experience
- emphasize existing planting design and fill gaps as needed
- new bronze uplights under trees
- enhanced planting focused around entry
Wall zone
- low maintenance materials above wall
- accent grasses and rock mulch in front of wall
- boulder & crushed rock in large swathes of parkway
Hillside zone
- create a welcoming secondary entry
emphasize existing succulents and fill in gaps - provide groundcover at pedestrian edge
- blend new planting into mature areas
Flat zone
- expand large evergreen shrub planting
- fill in under pepper trees with large shrubs
- boulder and crushed rock succulent pockets
- remove large aloes harboring rats
- remove pups around agaves and trim up lower leaves
- paint irrigation equipment brown
- replace missing trees in parkway
- large swathes of boulders and rock mulch in parkway

Proposed Entry Zone

Proposed Wall Zone

Proposed Hillside Zone

Proposed Flat Zone

Additional Improvements
Proposed Railing Improvements

Proposed Lighting Locations

Landscape materials
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