
Public Outreach

Communication in our modern era has become increasingly distant, making effective and thorough engagement with communities and stakeholders more challenging. Our team utilizes a variety of methods to engage participants of diverse backgrounds, education levels, and abilities with a cross-platform approach that gives agencies the ability to listen, offer remote participation, and collect feedback from all voices in the community. The times of only holding in-person town hall meetings and workshops are being transformed by the demand for a more robust methodology. At RRM, our cross-platform approach gives agencies the ability to listen, offer remote participation, and catalog feedback from a wide variety of voices.

Getting the word out

Strengthen participation through education and notification. From physical mailers to digital notifications, we can help spread the word about your upcoming projects and help get the community involved.

Collecting Public Input

Projects are shaped by community feedback, ideas, and opinions. We have a wide range of tools to help acquire and collect input from your community from online surveys that can be taken at any time to live brainstorming and ideation activities.

Expanding the conversation

We’re experts in hosting virtual & in-person outreach sessions to engage a broad cross-section of stakeholders.

Engaging with online tools

 From virtual public meetings, to live surveys, to centralizing project information in a succinct webpage, we have a fresh take on community engagement that helps our clients engage with key demographics that are traditionally not represented.

A fresh take on community outreach

Early on in 2020, we recognized that the outbreak of COVID-19 demonstrated the need for more robust and innovative systems of public engagement. We anticipate that the upward trend of “remote engagement” will continue beyond the lifespan of the pandemic, so our team has quickly adapted and been trained to be experts in engagement strategies for the virtual world. Learn more about our engagement toolkit below:

Overview of RRM’s Online Public Engagement Toolkit

The staff at RRM Design Group help our clients choose the most effective online tools for gathering useful feedback. The tools used fit into five primary categories:

  • Video – By far the most effective and difficult tool to use, RRM carefully chooses the right type of video conveyance for each of our clients’ needs at any particular time. This covers a wide gamut of video types: prerecorded video, live video meetings, livestreams, teleconferencing, and slideshows. A successful video campaign hinges on being able to reach the intended audience; therefore, RRM generally builds up interest in upcoming video presentations by communicating the use of video beforehand.
  • Online Surveys – When used in conjunction with targeted advertisements and online communication, online surveys can be a highly effective method of gauging public interest and opinions.
  • Project and/or Meeting Websites – RRM can create unique landing pages or where specific content (videos, surveys, images, PDFs) can be displayed. These pages can be highly branded and customized depending on the project.
  • Email and Social Media Communication – Most of RRM’s clients have existing social media outlets. RRM can assist by providing further guidance on effective posts, content, and linking strategies for both email and social media.
  • Advertising – Utilize targeted advertising to reach specific audiences on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Content can be created and targeted by location, interests, job title, educational background among many other factors.