Whittier Boulevard Complete Streets Circulation Plan
Commissioned by the City of Whittier, RRM Design Group is prepared a Complete Streets Circulation Plan detailing the ultimate design of Whittier Boulevard. The project measures the entire length of Whittier Boulevard from the 605 Freeway to Valley Home on the city’s eastern boundary, completing a segment of California’s historic El Camino Real. The Circulation Plan has been implemented as part of the recently adopted Whittier Boulevard Specific Plan and thus will provide street design standards and guidelines necessary to allow for phased implementation of corridor improvements. As a portion of this assignment, RRM developed plans, specifications and estimates for a one-mile segment between Santa Gertrude’s and Valley Home Boulevard including the city’s eastern gateway monument. RRM developed all design and engineering standards while creating this scenic and functional street design that will include roadway dimensions, lane geometry, intersection design, streetscape furnishings, street trees and landscaping.