Arroyo Grande High School Track Improvements

Arroyo Grande High School Track Improvements

Arroyo Grande High School Track Improvements RRM designed Arroyo Grande High School’s new synthetic turf field and surrounding track, providing a safe and suitable environment for student-athletes. Learn more about our role in the project in the adjacent video: ...
Pinnacles National Park

Pinnacles National Park

The National Park Service hired RRM Design Group as part of the design-build team with Anderson Burton Construction to create new facilities for the west entrance of the park including an entry station, visitor contact station, maintenance building, visitor parking...
Central Coast New Tech High School

Central Coast New Tech High School

Central Coast New Tech High School New Tech High School is a magnet school based on a collaborative project-based learning model. The Lucia Mar facilities staff was challenged to provide the needed unique classroom space to support the program in time for the fall...